Friday, July 30, 2010

Jordan Pailthorpe and Danielle Allen

Zine: Linebreaker

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What was your inspiration to start Linebreaker?

What makes Danielle and I working together and doing this project so important we think, is that we both have different goals, ideas, and ambitions for Linebreaker. One of the main goals of this project centers around the idea of validity and substance in today's hardcore scene. A lot of hardcore songs have lost their meaning and it seems as of lately, kids are just being strung along on a leash accepting whatever any hardcore band says and promotes. We want to ask questions, hold writers responsible for their words, make them delve deeper into what they sing and scream in front of other hardcore kids. The greatest thing about hardcore and punk is that we are all peers with no hierarchy in place that separates band from fan. We want to use that to our advantage and hold a conversation publicly with the people who write lyrics

Aside from that, we are also trying to show the world that hardcore and punk bands, or at least the good hardcore and punk bands, do indeed have very important things to say and are integral to the representation of our generation's voice. We want to show the world outside hardcore and punk that writers within our scene matter and therefore force them into the spotlight in the literary world as well as the basements and stages we are so used to.

How did you come up with the name of your zine?

A linebreak in poetry is when a line stops and a new line begins. It functions as a new movement, a pause, a breath, a change in motion. To embody that multi-definitive concept in a person really connects to what hardcore and punk not only does for the individual, but to everyone who interacts with it. Everyone involved in hardcore and punk is essentially a linebreaker, someone who signals change within themselves and breaks the line that has been drawn for them by society. Essentially we wanted something that represented not only that punk mentality, but was also a reference to the literary world. If you check out our About page you can get more details on the idea behind the name linebreaker and why it is important to us.

What would you like to see in the future with being a editor of linebreaker?

We are hoping to grow. It sounds like a generic answer and one that any zine, band, or project would want, but for us, it is essentially the main goal of the project. By growing our zine, more people will read the entries that lyricists write. There will be more interaction, inspiration, and concrete evidence that hardcore and punk is a community. By growing the zine, the people who read the zine are growing as well, and to think critically about writing, expression, and emotion within the hardcore punk realm is what we want to accomplish. We also want bands to respond to our emails. That would be pretty sweet.

How long will "Linebreaker Issue 1" be on sale for?


Will you be selling the first issue of the zine at every Effort show including Sound and Furry?

Since the tour is midway through, we have sold a decent amount of copies. Anyone who is interested in talking about the zine can come up to us (The Effort) at any show on this tour or order through the world wide web.

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