Monday, August 16, 2010

Organization: VeganTHIS

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What is the purpose of VeganTHIS?

Around the same time the web site was just starting up I began to realize that I never saw any vegan outreach tables at any punk or hardcore shows I was going to. I knew I had to change this. I think punk and hardcore shows are such a good opportunity to do vegan outreach and give lots of cool info to kids. Gather says it best, ''Punk is about doing what's right, even if it means going against the majority''. The punk scene was built by pissed off kids wanting social change. Animal exploitation is happening everywhere in so many different forms, if we don't stop it, who will? I table shows because kids attending shows have the passion, the dedication, and the inspiration to do anything. You just need to help them realize it.

What is the main inspiration of VeganTHIS?

First and foremost, our inspiration comes from the animals. We can only strive to be as strong as them. Enduring pain each and everyday being held captive in factory farms, being tortured in laboratories, watching their brothers and sisters being skinned alive on fur farms, living with dead cage-mates on puppy mills. They are the strong ones. If any story is truly inspirational, it is the stories of the individuals that make it out of these situations alive.

We are also inspired by the individuals who risk their freedom to save animals. Those who cut fencing out, open cages, and destroy anything they can. Those who set fire to bring it all down. Those who stand on the sidewalk outside of a researcher's home to let them know that their work doesn't stay at work from now on. Last but not least, those who get active, and stay active.

How long has vT been a organization?

I have been doing veganTHIS since 2004, so, around 6 years

How can VeganTHIS reach out to non-vegans?

I have had countless individuals tell me that they have gone vegan because of the web site. Although veganTHIS has existed for a couple years without having a web site, we did constant vegan outreach across the country with punk rock and hardcore tours; so I am sure we got to a great amount of people that way. The web site has gotten nearly 5 million hits since its start in 2007, so one can only hope that it has made a difference.

I was actually tabling a punk show in the north west not too long ago and someone came up to me and told me that they saw me tabling a show in southern California 3 years prior and had since gone vegan because of their exposure to animal cruelty via veganTHIS.

Hearing stories like that is what keeps this project going. Knowing that we are being effective.

What is your plans for the future with your organization?

I'm not sure what the future will bring. I think we will be alright as long as we are able to be a source for veganism and animal liberation. Please know that MEAT & DAIRY are MURDER and you can fight for animal liberation. We want to help you!

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