Monday, August 16, 2010

Band: Colony

Important Links:
frequency deleted records

who is the biggest influence in your musical career?

Musically i'd say it definitely ranges ya know? Stuff like eyehategod, cursed, converge, his hero is gone and many more. Non musically i'd say our biggest influence is having fun. we love meeting new kids who love hardcore and heavy music just as much as we do.

what is your favorite part of playing shows?

Making Money $ -just kidding, but seriously my favorite part is when i see people banging their heads and throwing up the metal horns,

Do you any plans for the up coming year?

We just recorded 7 songs at dead air studios that will be released on a 7 inch on Frequency Deleted Records. (More info on that soon) 3 of those songs you can find un-mastered versions somewhere on the Internet. We are pretty excited for it. We think this record is gonna colonize some minds for sure. Some of us go to school in the fall so for the next few months we wont be touring heavily but we will be doing some weekends with our friends in Convulsions (RI) and Heartless (Pa)and playing one off shows here and there. Come January time Beast mode will be in full effect.

What inspired you to write the song numb ?

"I've tried so hard and come so far in the end it doesn't even matter"
The song is pretty straight forward, there's no specific story that inspired it or anything. it just that life is shit ya kno? so fuck it,sometimes you feel numb. Sometimes you feel like there's no point in trying and sometimes ya feel like you will die with nothing ya know?

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